The work for the toy train has already been commenced but for carrying
out this task, over 241 green trees including 'Neem' and 'Sheesham'
coming in the way of the project, will be cut down. An equal number of
trees will undergo trimming causing a huge loss of green cover to Allen
Forest. The wildlife and nature lovers opined that if this exercise is
undertaken, the place will loose its reputation of being a jungle.
According to the reliable sources, the toy train is scheduled to start
operating in the month of January, next year. The haste is therefore, to
cut down the green trees at the earliest to pave way for setting up a
railway station. The marking on the trees and their numbering has been
done for the purpose.
Not only this, the site of the
station is next to the tiger's enclosure-where tigress Trusha (Royal
Bengal Tiger) and her two cubs have been kept. The enclosure of Sloth
beer, which also comes under the Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection
Act, 1972 is also neraby.
The wildlife experts believe that the
development of the railway station here will add to the human activities
and would bring the tigers under stress. Tiger is an endangered specie
coming under the Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act. Therefore,
the idea of developing railway station next to tiger enclosure will not
be good for the animals.
The wildlife enthusiasts opined that the
zoos are set up for the purpose of public awareness and education about
animals and not for earning revenue and entertainment. The toy train,
which is proposed to run at the Kanpur zoo will earn revenue for the zoo
but will also cause disturbance to the animals.
According to the
guidelines of Central Zoo Authority (CZA), Statutory Body under the
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, every zoo
shall endeavor to regulate the movement of visitors in the zoo in such a
manner that zoo animals are not unduly disturbed, stressed or provoked.
Gita Randhawa, a nature lover and wildlife enthusiast was shocked to
know that such a large number of trees will be cut down in Kanpur zoo
for constructing a railway station. "If the toy train is to come up by
sacrificing so many Neem and Sheesham trees, just for entertainment, then definitely, the project is not viable," said an annoyed Gita
She further added that instead the battery fitted vehicles were a
better idea than running a toy train or else efforts should not be made
to operate a train in zoo, at least, not at the cost of cutting green

The Winning edge
"Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results."
- Brian Tracy
In order to get the winning edge, we need to strive for excellence, not perfection. Striving for perfection is neurotic; striving for excellence is progress, because there is nothing that can't be done better or improved.
All that we need is a little edge. The winning horse in the race may win with 5-to-1 or 10-to-1 odds. Do you think he is five or ten times faster than the other horses? Of course not. He may only be faster by a fraction, by a nose, but the rewards are five or ten times greater.
Is it fair? Who cares? It doesn't matter. Those are the rules of the game. That is the way the game is played. The same is true in our lives. Successful people are not ten times smarter than the people who fail. They may be fractionally better, but the reward is ten times bigger. We don't need to improve 1000% in any one area. All you need is to improve 1% in 1000 different areas, which is a lot easier. That is the winning edge!